Does the library loan laptops to students?


This initiative is open to all full- and part-time, currently enrolled students who do not have access to a computer.

Please note that we have a limited number of laptops available for a 3-week loan period. Applications are processed on a first come, first served basis. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide laptop loans to all students who apply.

Laptops are not renewable and fines will be charged if the laptop is not returned on the due date. The fine is $10.00 a day.

Application process

  • To apply for a laptop loan, please request a laptop by clicking here
  • Sign in using your Sask Polytech username & password (on the yellow bar)
  • Click "Request"
  • Choose your Pickup Location then click "Send Request"


If you choose a location other than your own campus, you are responsible for traveling there to pick it up and also to return it to that campus.  

Library Services will contact you at your Sask Polytech email when there is a laptop available for you. If there is a waitlist, this may not be immediate and wait time depends on number of requests. 

The laptop purchase program is also available. For more information, click here (choose "Laptop Purchase Program")

  • Last Updated Jul 19, 2024
  • Views 1139
  • Answered By Alex

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